
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Forget Me Not

I had the opportunity to attend the LDS Genereal Relief Society Meeting Broadcast at our local stake center.  I was so touched by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf's talk that I wanted to share.  It's not available to read online yet,  but you can watch clips of his talk HERE or watch the entire conference HERE.

Truthfully I've been struggling with our little three year old for the past couple of months.  He is SO defiant and throws huge tantrums at the drop of a hat.  To top it off he's struggled with potty training accidents.  Everything combined has really been pushing me to my limit.  I had this naive idea before I had children, that my children would be well behaved, because I would teach them to behave.  I didn't take into account free will :)  I've been surprised how often they do NOT behave the way I would like them to.  Don't get me wrong, I have good boys with good hearts, but I was just a little naive.

Anyway, back to my point, I've been struggling because I don't always feel like I'm a very good mother.  It requires so much patience to deal with tantrum after tantrum all day long.  We've tried everything from time-outs, reward charts, grounding and giving extra love and attention.  None of it seems to be making a difference, the tantrums continue all day long.  I went to the conference after one of those days.

As I heard President Uchtdorf's talk I nearly burst into tears.  It really was just what I needed to hear.  I get down on myself and on life because things don't always turn out the way I expect, and it was a good reminder to appreciate the little joys along the way.  Life may not be perfect, I may not be perfect, but that's okay.  There are so many things I have to be grateful for.  I'm especially grateful for an apostle of Jesus Christ on the earth who was inspired to give such a beautiful talk!

1 comment:

  1. I also loved this talk. It was so wonderful to be given permission to not beat yourself up when you just don't have life as put together as you would like. Its so true that children have their own free will. Sometimes a very stubborn free will. I just have to keep reminding myself what they need along with the tantrums is lots and lots of love. (Don't worry, I haven't mastered that yet- I just keep telling myself.)
